
All relevant feature selection means trying to find all features carrying information usable for prediction, rather than finding a possibly compact subset of features on which some particular model has a minimal error. This might include redundant predictors. All relevant feature selection is model agnostic in the sense that it doesn’t optimize a scoring function for a specific model but rather tries to select all the predictors which are related to the response. This package implements 3 different methods (Leshy is an evolution of Boruta, BoostAGroota is an evolution of BoostARoota and GrootCV is a new one). They are sklearn compatible. See hereunder for details about those methods. You can use any sklearn compatible estimator with Leshy and BoostAGroota but I recommend lightGBM. It’s fast, accurate and has SHAP values builtin.

It also provides a module for performing preprocessing and perform basic feature selection (autobinning, remove columns with too many missing values, zero variance, high-cardinality, highly correlated, etc.).

Moreover, as an alternative to the all relevant problem, the ARFS package provides a MRmr feature selection which, theoretically, returns a subset of the predictors selected by an arfs method. ARFS also provides a LASSO feature selection which works especially well for (G)LMs and GAMs. You can combine Lasso with the TreeDiscretizer for introducing non-linearities into linear models and perform feature selection. Please note that one limitation of the lasso is that it treats the levels of a categorical predictor individually. However, this issue can be addressed by utilizing the TreeDiscretizer, which automatically bins numerical variables and groups the levels of categorical variables.